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SNB and FINMA: If necessary, the SNB will provide Credit Suisse with liquidity

Credit Suisse shares tumbled on Wednesday amid increasing difficulties following the collapse of two US banks. The Swiss National Bank (SNB) and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) released a statement indicating that the “problems of certain banks in the USA do not pose a direct risk of contagion for the Swiss financial markets.”

According to the statement, Credit Suisse meets the capital requirements imposed on banks. It added, that the Swiss National Bank will provide liquidity to the bank if necessary

Key quotes from the statement: 

“The SNB and FINMA are pointing out in this joint statement that there are no indications of a direct risk of contagion for Swiss institutions due to the current turmoil in the US banking market.”

“Regulation in Switzerland requires all banks to maintain capital and liquidity buffers that meet or exceed the minimum requirements of the Basel standards. Furthermore, systemically important banks have to meet higher capital and liquidity requirements. This allows negative effects of major crises and shocks to be absorbed.”

“Credit Suisse’s stock exchange value and the value of its debt securities have been particularly affected by market reactions in recent days. FINMA is in very close contact with the bank and has access to all information relevant to supervisory law. Against this background, FINMA confirms that Credit Suisse meets the higher capital and liquidity requirements applicable to systemically important banks.”

“The SNB will provide liquidity to the globally active bank if necessary. FINMA and the SNB are following developments very closely and are in close contact with the Federal Department of Finance to ensure financial stability.”

The USD/CHF is trading slightly below 0.9300, after rising more than 150 pips. The Swiss Franc is among the worst performers on Wednesday. 

USD/CHF reversed its course and surged nearby 0.9300 on Credit Suisse’s risk aversion

USD/CHF soars sharply as sentiment shifts sour on fears that the United States (US) banking crisis could spread globally. On Wednesday, Credit Suisse
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United States Net Long-Term TIC Flows fell from previous $152.8B to $31.9B in January

United States Net Long-Term TIC Flows fell from previous $152.8B to $31.9B in January
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